
How are your New Year’s goals going? If you didn’t put them on your mirror in the bathroom, you have a 50% less chance of doing them.

1/28/13 How are your New Year’s goals going?  If you didn’t put them on your mirror in the bathroom, you have a 50% less chance of doing them.  If you have completed one or two, then ask yourself what is the next step in reaching maximum health or increased revenue or whatever your overall goal is.
Now write one more task that you will do this week on your mirror and this time IN YOUR CALENDAR.  I know this sounds simple and you think it will never work, but don’t be fooled…..WHERE YOUR ATTENTION FLOWS, RESULTS WILL GROW……corny but true…
Keep warm and happy and have a great week!!!!

Oh, my gosh, Has the flu hit you yet?

1/21/13  Oh, my gosh,  Has the flu hit you yet?  Hope you got the shot.  This is the time of year to review your health and set up some new goals.  You can’t be at the top of your game without good energy and that comes from good health.
The deal is to pick a small health goal to accomplish.  Think drink more water, not go to the gym five times a week.
When you have that task, write it down and put it by your other resolution that you made last week on your bathroom mirror.
Have you been putting off getting a physical?  Make the appointment.  Go to the dentist.  Yada Yada but you know its true……..

The Happiest of New Year to you. We have all survived the crush of Holiday parties and events and are busy back at work…..What is your new year’s resolution?

1/14/13  The Happiest of New Year to you.  We have all survived the crush of Holiday parties and events and are busy back at work…..What is your new year’s resolution?  More revenue, more fun, more family time?  Pick one thing and write it down and put it on your bathroom mirror.  Look at it every morning for a month and see what happens.  Let me know.
My one resolution is to get my Webinars up and running.  I have done the power point for the first one and now just need to do the recording.  I will be letting you all know how to link up. They are only 30 minutes and meant to be listened to while you have lunch or down time.  First one is ACEING THE NETWORKING EVENT.  Stay tuned……

Getting ready for the Holidays can be a real time management challenge.

12/17/12 Getting ready for the Holidays can be a real time management challenge.  Take a look at your calendar for the next two weeks.  Plan out where the major happenings are going to be in your time.  Be sure to give yourself a slot to wrap gifts and have wine or coffee with important people in your life.
They are called Holidays for a reason.  A time to rejoice in all that is holy in your life.  I won’t be blogging next week because I will be hanging out with my 2 kids and 5 grandchildren….they are my holy ones.
May you have wonder and joy in your life…..

Were you able to identify the Magical Thinking that may be going on in your life?

12/3/12 Were you able to identify the Magical Thinking that may be going on in your life?  In my work, I often have to try and influence another human being to actually change their behavior.  Is this even possible or is this Magical Thinking about something that can’t be accomplished?
In musing more about this, I think that the difference is that if I can instill in the person the desire to change the behavior, not just doing it because someone asked them to, then it might be possible. This is very different from asserting that you can actually change something about another person.  We all know where that leads in relationships.
It’s kinda like admitting that what is happening  isn’t working and then asking for help to find a way to make it work.
This is especially difficult for lawyers because they need a certain amount of ego just to do their job.  It is a careful means of perserving that ego and yet exposing the real issues of the problem that makes coaching so rewarding….
OK, ENOUGH,  next week we’ll get back to practical hints that can help your “lawyer life” immediately.

Now that you have recovered from all that eating, let’s get back to business.

11/26/12  Now that you have recovered from all that eating, let’s get back to business.  Have you located any Magical Thinking that happens in your life?  This is a little different from denial.  Denial happens when we just don’t want to face what is really happening.  You might like to read my article “Is There An Elephant in Your Law Office” for a better description of how denial can take over an office.
Magical Thinking, on the other hand, has an action or activity involved.  You feel like you are doing something that should have a great outcome, but doesn’t.  That’s because the original believe is not based on solid reality.  Examples are: Allowing teenagers to have easy access to alcohol so they can “learn how to drink”.  Unfortunately, teenager’s brains are not nearly developed and they only drink to get drunk, not for sober socializing.  Tragic accidents and bad behavior often result.
Another common example for lawyers is going to endless seminars and workshops to improve their competency.  Seems like a good idea? right?  However, if this consumes time, energy and money that should go into solid marketing, then it is  a waste.  Also that behavior frequently comes from a “perfectionist” approach and can paralyze an attorney from doing the networking necessary to increase business, as well as having the time to actually lawyer.
Pretty heavy stuff….but best to know if it is going on in your life….

More about Magical Thinking next week.

11/19/12 More about Magical Thinking next week.  This week we all need to start thinking about ordering our Holiday Cards.  First decide what Holiday you are going to celebrate with your network.  Christmas, New Years, General Holiday Greetings,  etc.  Then make up your mind what kind of a message do you want to give.  Humorous, Beautiful eye candy, Sincere, Thankful, etc. Now don’t fool around.  Find a place to order and get going.  Get your list ready and figure out how you are going to get them addressed and out.  Give yourself a date certain that they all will be mailed.  Then forget about it for the time being.  You’ve done all you can do for now and your focus goes elsewhere.  That is a little trick that will keep you from losing your mind.  Calendaring the next step helps with stress.

I have been thinking about MAGICAL THINKING…

11/12/11 I have been thinking about MAGICAL THINKING…This is when the person thinks that just by doing something, that results will happen.  Unfortunately, in my work, there is some  MAGICAL THINKING.  Unfortunately, it is not enough just to show up and believe that is enough to make significant changes.  Unfortunately, you also have to do the work.
Apparently the term MAGICAL THINKING comes from the psychological community where people go to therapy and feel that just being there will produce a real change.  Not so….the work still must be done.
So, this week take a really good look at yourself.  Is there any MAGICAL THINKING  going on?  Do you go to a Network function but don’t give your card out or talk to anyone new?  That’s the hope that just by “doing something” a miracle will happen.

Having goals and being focused on a strategic plan is really the way to produce the desired results. Remember your coach is your secret weapon and can help to recognize and eliminate MAGICAL THINKING.