I just found out that Lumosity site is NOT FREE.

8/20/12 I just found out that Lumosity site is NOT FREE.  I hate that you start off thinking you are  using a free site, they get you hooked and then you have to pay money to continue.  I guess I don’t care enough about my brain to contine, especially when I feel ripped off, although it was fun.
So this week, let’s just go back to Linkedin and post one more endorsement for someone you like.  Do it before they ask.

Let’s take a short break from Linkenin.

8/13/12  Let’s take a short break from Linkenin.  Maybe you have forgotten but I once told you about Lumonsity.com which is free website where you can do short exercises each day to increase your brain power.  I just started doing it and its really fun.  I think attorneys will really like it.  It is based on scientific proof that this stuff works.  Give it a try……you’ll like it.

Let’s keep going with Connections in Linkedin.

8/6/12 Let’s keep going with Connections in Linkedin.  Looking at the Contacts Menu, click on Add Contacts.  Then click on the tab for Alumni and you should see a list of schools you attended which appears on your Profile page.
Then click into one of the school’s name.  This is usually your law school first.  This will bring up a list of people who have identified in their profile on Linkedin that they also attended that school.  You can also see the year they attended which should help to identified the meaningful ones to you.  Click on Connect button and get going.
If you find someone who was a really good friend and haven’t seen in a long time, pick up the phone.  This is a time to hook up with with people who also have put it out there that they want to network. A “hot”lead as we say…..

This week it is about importing your Outlook Contacts to Linkedin.

7/30/12 This week it is about importing your Outlook Contacts to Linkedin.  Go to your L account and enter ADD CONNECTIONS tab. There is a link at the bottom labeled “import your destop contacts”. Click on link and it will ask you what fie you want to upload.  You need to have done this previously so you have those you want imported grouped together.  Then search for “exporting contacts” in the Outlook Help menu.  It will guide you through.  Use the Outlook format “comma-separated values (Windows) and create a logical name.
This will create a .csv file of your contacts.  Go back to L and the “import your destop contacts” link. click into that and chose the .csv file that was created.  Upload the file.
Next week we’ll talk more about how to use these contacts once you have them in place.

Another Linkedin task: Connections are very important on Linkedin because you need to narrow your scoop to people you can logically network with.

7/23/12 Another Linkedin task:  Connections are very important on Linkedin because you need to narrow your scoop to people you can logically network with.  One of the easiest ways to find old colleagues is to first list all the places you have worked in your profile.  Than go to “Colleagues” tab and you will see those places listed.  Click on “view all” for each place and locate the names of the people who presently have profiles on Linkedin.  Click on the checked boxes in front of the names you want to send invitations.  Then personalize your invitation to them.  This way you can pick up quite a few old friends and target your network more efficiently.

The task this week is to update your Linkedin account.

7/9/12 I’m Jet  Lagged but here.  The task this week is to update your Linkedin account.  Do this by going to Edit in your profile and then click into the section which will give you a percentage of the amount you have completed to produce a full profile.  Spend some time getting this as up to date as possible.  Be sure that people can get to your website.  Next week, we’ll have even more fun and games with Lindkedin…..

Today will be your first Blog post. Pick one thing you would like your target market to know about.

6/11/12 Today will be your first Blog post.  Pick one thing you would like your target market to know about.  Something that will interest them. Or pick something you are passionate about.  Maybe something on the news that you would like to comment on.  Make it short and to the point.  You want them back for your next blog so don’t alienate too many people.  DO IT NOW.