Let’s keep going with Connections in Linkedin.

8/6/12 Let’s keep going with Connections in Linkedin.  Looking at the Contacts Menu, click on Add Contacts.  Then click on the tab for Alumni and you should see a list of schools you attended which appears on your Profile page.
Then click into one of the school’s name.  This is usually your law school first.  This will bring up a list of people who have identified in their profile on Linkedin that they also attended that school.  You can also see the year they attended which should help to identified the meaningful ones to you.  Click on Connect button and get going.
If you find someone who was a really good friend and haven’t seen in a long time, pick up the phone.  This is a time to hook up with with people who also have put it out there that they want to network. A “hot”lead as we say…..