Ok, so I have an excuse.  I have been in the hospital with a bowel obstruction and that’s why no blog lately .  My Google Analytics tell me that many of you have deserted me in my hour of need.  Do you feel guilty?

But I am back and pondering on what I did when I had to be sick and had tubes running out of body.  I couldn’t really use my cell phone because the IV kept beeping when I wasn’t holding my arm straight out.  Same reason it was hard to read.  TV was awful and I didn’t have my M3 player to listen to Books on Tape.  I couldn’t WORK!

So I had to lay there and be unamused!  Then, of course, when I finally got to sleep the nurses would be in to take my blood pressure and temperature and wake me up.  WHINE, WHINE.

So I started to think about my clients and how proud I was of them.  They are struggling with little and big challenges.  They frequently don’t do what I think they should be doing and make up all kind of excuses.  But that’s alright.  The journey to success is hard and there are many minefields.  So I am thankful every day that the Universe has blessed me with the ability to assist and coach lawyers in their journeys.

I was going to write about confidence this blog but sickness got in the way.  I promise I will get to that on Monday (my usual blogging day) and in the meantime, I will just continue to be grateful for all I have.