5/28/12 Step back this week from your work on your blog. Look again at your target market. Do you have more than one target market? Do you need more than one blog to make it really effective? If you were a member of your target market, what would make you want to read your blog? Ask three people in your target market what concerns them most. At the end of the week look at all the information you have gathered…..and get ready to BLOG !!!!!
OK, now you have some ideas about what information might be useful to your audience.
5/21/12 OK, now you have some ideas about what information might be useful to your audience. Write out a draft of a short “blog” and send it to 5 people you know. Ask them for their ideas and suggestions. Would they like more of this? Would they subscribe to your blog if you put out this kind of information out on a regular basis? This is the week to get feedback.
PS. Harking back to the first weeks of this blog…..I finally bought my Kindle Fire….and I love it. How about you? did you get some new form of technology? Let me know what it was and how you like it.
What does your target market want to know about?
5/14/12 Now let’s think about content for your new blog. What does your target market want to know about? What would they like to learn, laugh or know about? Remember, you want to give value.
I am giving you tips and hints that if you read and act on each week, will improve your practice. This is something you can use. Model your’s based on that concept.
Come up with at least two ideas about the content of your blog and run it by a friend or two for their comments. Stay tuned. Much, Much more to come.
Now you have looked at a few blogs in your area of practice, which one is the easiest to use?
5/7/12 Now you have looked at a few blogs in your area of practice, which one is the easiest to use? Which one do you think will get the most interest? Why? Begin now to think about your blog. Who will be your trarget audience? Your clients, other attorneys, the public, etc.? Define your audience as specifically as possible. Write that down. Try using One Note if you have it available to keep your thoughts on this.
OK, now we’re going to get serious.
4/30/12 OK, now we’re going to get serious. During the week, look at 3 to 4 blogs in your area of practice. Which one do you like the best? why? Next week, we’ll do more about blogs.
If you can get really serious about this brain improvement thing, try going to Lumosity.com and partake of the brain activities they provide.
4/23/12 If you can get really serious about this brain improvement thing, try going to Lumosity.com and partake of the brain activities they provide. PBS television is a sponsor of theirs. Your brain might like it…..
Is there one fun thing that you always wanted to learn?
4/16/12 Is there one fun thing that you always wanted to learn? This is another brain stretcher. What would be the first step in learning it?
For a shorter brain teaser, today we have google at our fingertips, so we could learn something new right now. Get into the habit of learning one new thing each day. Keep track of questions you have as they come up, then ask google that question before you start the day. Scientists guarantee this will make us stay younger.
The scientists assure us that we need to do these kinds of things to keep our brains functioning well.
4/9/12 Take a new way home every day this week. The scientists assure us that we need to do these kinds of things to keep our brains functioning well. It’s worth a try and easy to do.
Ok, now did you get the new piece of technology?
4/2/12 Ok, now did you get the new piece of technology? If not, why not? Decide what you will do about this. Either make decision to buy, or decision not to buy or decision to buy in the future. If your decision is the last one, write the date you will buy in your calendar.
Are you still undecided? write a list of pros and cons and try to find out why you are still hesitant. Is it the money? Is it because you don’t know how to get the best deal? Is it because you are unsure if you would use it? Is it because it will take a long time to learn how to use it? See if you can get to the bottom of this. It will give you insight into how to go about decisions in your life which waste time and energy…..more to come…..
Did you decide what Tech item you want the most?
3/26/12 Did you decide what Tech item you want the most? Even if you didn’t get it, write down three things you would do with that item which will either better your practice or your personal life in some way.
FYI. Remember my item was the IPad or the Kindle Fire. Either would let me get more books to read faster, the IPad would help with mobility instead of toting the laptop and last, the IPad would allow me to skype ( or whatever they call it there) with my kids and clients from anywhere.